Sullivan's Island Bird Banding Station Fall 2021 Recap

The volunteers at the Sullivan's Island Bird Banding Station contributed many hours of their time to assist in net set-up, extracting birds, scribing data, and much more. This season would not have been possible without the help of our devoted volunteers! The station was operated for a total of 41 banding days this Fall season. 934 birds were banded from 41 different species. A maximum of 10 mist nets were opened each day. SIBBS is located in the Protected Land at Station 16. This easement is filled with high quality stopover habitat, including early successional scrubland and mid-successional maritime forest habitat. Seven net lanes are located in scrubland habitat and three net lanes are located in the maritime forest. The scrubland habitat is ideal for banding birds in the Fall, since the canopy is low and songbirds are foraging in the wax myrtles, cedars and other low-lying vegetation. Lower numbers of birds are captured in the maritime ...